This is a work of learning, however, it is also a work of experience, insight and knowledge from over 20 professional years of technology practice. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Your support allows me the time to review the internals of open source databases, it’s use both on-premises and in the cloud, and how those systems affect the queries you write. As development is furthered abstracted into managed architectures and even further into containers, and as the specialist roles of sysadmin and DBA are further removed from development, it becomes more important for developers to have a better understanding of how to get what they want from the database systems they use. My focus will be on MySQL and its variants, as well as tools and systems that support those databases.
If you are considering short term 1099-MISC or C2C contract employment for a MariaDB/MySQL DBA, please contact me using the form below. Short term contracts are 5-20 hours per week, for up to 90 days.
If you are requiring a singular query tuning review, or short term system architecture consultation (typically due to AWS RDS or Google CloudSQL), please contact me for availability and pricing.
You are also welcome to send a donation to the betterment and support of this blog via my account.