ClickHouse is a an open-source column-oriented DBMS for OLAP*. Originally created by the Russian IT company Yandex, the version that I am using is developed by Altinity, a UK based company whose primary focus is on support and professional services with ClickHouse as a base.
I became interested in ClickHouse through a simple Use Case. How would I be able to process logs from multiple write servers while maintaining data retention policy. Of course, the umbrella corporate had Splunk, but we didn’t want to use that for some of our sensitive data. There was also the problem of collection.
I found the collector before I found the storage method, and I did some research on ClickHouse and what it could do. Except for one problem. It was developed in Russia, and there were sysadmins at that place of employment who were negative to anything not “Made in the US”. Call it a sign of the current political environment. So – I never got to put it into production. But I wanted to learn more about it because from what I read, I could see potential.
- *from Wikipedia: